You are the soul of the universe, and your name is Love.

favicon-renate-best Are you ready to embody your infinite radiant being and reconnect with the magic, vitality, and sacredness of everyday life?


favicon-renate-best Do you yearn to fall deeply in love with your self and life and experience true love and deep intimacy?


favicon-renate-best Navigating through the mystery school of life, do you find yourself essentially untransformed, even after years of spiritual practice?

The awakened state is your natural state and is accessible right here and now.


The key is to pierce the illusory veil of separation and awaken from the dream state to the truth of your infinite radiant being.


Spark an inner revolution


Awakening is a powerful portal to a deep inner revolution and the gateway to your infinite creative potential. It’s in the willingness to dance with the mystery that the sacredness of everyday life reveals itself and your undivided essence can flower and find its unique expression.


As stillness deepens, presence awakens and illuminates the world


In service to truth, liberation and love, I’ve created this website to support you in awakening from the dream state of separation and embodying your divinity in everyday life.

To continue the journey you might wish to explore Artistry of Spirit.
Join the inner revolution to receive updates and access to exclusive resources.

The Sacred Path


Looking back at my life I can see how the divine was always in plain sight and my love for truth my guiding light.


Particularly in the simple and quiet moments of life or during times of intense suffering a deep surrendering and diving into life would reveal the underlying spacious ocean of presence.

A Deep Love Affair With Stillness


It was during a silent meditation retreat with Adyashanti where the veil permanently lifted and I experienced myself as nothingness/emptiness/stillness streaming out into infinity. This experience signified the death of the seeker and completely changed the way I perceived myself and life.


Diving into the Ocean of Life and Dancing with the Mystery


My greatest teacher continues to be life itself – revealing to me all that which wants to be healed in the light of awareness. I’ve realized that awakening is only the beginning – an opportunity and a portal into an infinite deepening and unfolding into the vastness of being.

May the Light that we are Awaken the Light in each other

Serving Truth, Liberation, and Love


If you are genuinely drawn to realizing your true nature, serving truth, and dancing with the mystery of life, I welcome you to schedule a private meeting.


To make sure I’m the right person to help you please tell me a little bit about your sacred path via email or the contact form.


I bow in deep gratitude to life that has brought us together and look forward to meeting you.

Professional Bio


My background includes midwifery, counseling, psychology, holistic therapies, and mind-body approaches, and scans over 20+ years of experience. Additionally, my interest in Spirit led me to explore nondual, Toltec, and earth based teachings. You can find a more detailed version of my professional bio here.